asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) what is his estimate of the coal burn in Scottish power stations allowed for in the agreement between the National Coal Board, the South of Scotland Electricity Board and the Government; and how this compares with the current period;(2) what proportion of the additional £35 million aid to the Scottish coal industry will be used for new sinkings in Scotland; and if he can identify the areas concerned;
units on the estate for letting to working farmers. The units will be of about 5,000 acres each, with entry at Martinmas 1977. In the interests of maintaining employment in forestry in Mull, the remainder of the estate, totalling 2,600 acres, will go to the Forestry Commission. Integrated use of the land in this way should provide mutual benefits to forestry and agriculture in the provision of roads and fencing.
The arrangements follow the lines of the recommendations in the Highland Board's Mull Survey published in 1973.