asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if the proposal by the Kuwaiti Government of a health co-operation scheme between Kuwait and the United Kingdom accords with his policy to encourage health exports;(2) what action he plans to take in response to the proposal by the Kuwaiti Government that there should be a special health co-operation scheme between the two countries.
I have a continuing dialogue with the Kuwait Minister of Health, as with some other Ministers in the oil producing states, to explore ways in which we can co-operate in the health field. I have invited Dr. Awadhi to visit the United Kingdom later this year and hope then to be able to discuss areas of co-operation, including any proposals he wishes to put to me. I hope to satisfy any Kuwaiti requests within Government policy, which in respect of the contribution by NHS hospitals was the subject of my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Derby, North (Mr. Whitehead) on 26th January.—[Vol. 924, c. 692–3.]