asked the Secretary of State for Transport (1) how many copies of the Department of the Environment document on rolines were distributed;(2) to which bodies the Department of the Environment document on rolines has been distributed;(3) if the investor of rolines was consulted on the Department of the Environment pamphlet on rolines;(4) who authorised the production of the Department of the Environment pamphlet on the subject of rolines.
The Department has not published any document on rolines. A relevant aide-memoire was prepared for internal use within the Transport and Road Research Laboratory, with the approval of senior management. The inventor was not consulted. It is thought that only two copies have been distributed, one to the BBC and the other to Motor magazine.
asked the Secretary of State for Transport how many inquiries the Transport and Road Research Laboratory has received about rolines.
The TRRL has received very few such inquiries, and these have come mainly from the Press.