asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what are the pay, emoluments, pensions and other financial arrangements of the members of the European Commission.
The basic provisions governing the pay, allowances and pensions of members of the European Commission are set out in Council Regulation No. 14 of 18th December 1961, published in the Official Journal No. 62/1730 of 19th July 1962. The method of calculating Commissioners' salaries was altered by Council Regulation No. 1546/73 of 4th June 1973 (OJ L155 of 11th June 1973). Members of the Commission now receive, as basic salary, 112ยท5 per cent. of the basic salary of a Community official on the last step of Grade Al. This works out at present to approximately 260,000 Belgian francs per month which includes Brussels weighting. The President of the Corn-mission receives 138 per cent. of the top Al salary and the Vice-Presidents 125 per cent. Entertainment allowances have also been updated and currently stand at:
- President of the Commission 34,205 Belgian francs per month.
- Vice-President of the Commission 21,980 Belgian francs per month.
- Member of the Commission 14,655 Belgian francs per month.