asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what firm offers have been made to the representatives of the Police Federations in connection with their pay claim.
An increase of 5 per cent. on earnings with a minimum of £2·50 a week and a maximum of £4. This offer was made last July to be effective from 1st September 1976. It is still open. The average benefit to a constable at the bottom of the scale would be £2·83 a week, rising to £3·79 at the top of the constables' scale. Sergeants with two years' service or more and all inspectors and chief inspectors would get the maximum of £4 a week.In addition, I, in consultation with the Secretaries of State for Scotland and Northern Ireland, have agreed that there should be a review, under an independent chairman, of the police negotiating machine. Invitations to assist in this review have already been sent out, and it will be set up as soon as possible after the outstanding replies have been received. We have also agreed that there should be an inquiry into the constitution of the Police Federations.