asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland under what circumstances a soldier fired on a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary on Thursday 19th May in Belfast; and how seriously injured the policeman was.
Following a bank robbery at Mallusk, Co. Antrim, on Thursday 19th May a plain clothes CID patrol spotted and consequently gave chase to the robbers' vehicle, which then crashed. While members of the patrol were attempting to detain the robbers a joint police and Army patrol arrived on the scene, and in a fast moving situation regrettably and mistakenly shot one of the CID officers. The officer received a gunshot wound to the shoulder, but I am pleased to report that he is recovering satisfactorily in hospital. A number of men were detained in connection with the robbery and a sum of money was recovered.
asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he is satisfied that there is proper communication on the ground between Army and Royal Ulster Constabulary patrols in Ulster.