asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many houses have been constructed in Scotland using the Mopin or similar systems; and where they are situated.
I have no knowledge of the Mopin building system, or any similar system, having been used for housing in Scotland.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what changes are planned in methods of assessing local authority house building programmes in Scotland; and if he has any plans to introduce standardisation in methods of assessing housing requirements in each district.
In SDD Circular No. 6/1977, we asked each local housing authority in Scotland to prepare a five-year housing plan, designed to meet assessed local needs and including its own capital expenditure programme. As part of our efforts to encourage local authorities to a common approach to assessing housing needs we are preparing a manual of guidance for local authorities, which should be published in June. I am arranging for a copy of the circular to be placed in the Library.