asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will make a statement on the appointment, under the Government's job creation scheme, at £2,600 per annum, of Mr. T. Dan Smith; how many other persons were offered this situation; and why preference was given to this man.
I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that Mr. T. Dan Smith was appointed as a development officer by the North-East Branch of the Howard League for Penal Reform, which is sponsoring a project under the job creation programme, to provide advice for ex-offenders in seeking employment and to liaise with, and compile a register of, employers willing to employ ex-offenders. The JCP grant of £5,337 for the project includes £2,841 for the wages of the development officer for a period of 52 weeks.I understand that the vacancy was notified to the Professional and Executive Recruitment Service of the Employment Service Agency which was not able to submit any other suitably qualified applicant.