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Birth, Deaths And Marriages

Volume 939: debated on Friday 25 November 1977

The text on this page has been created from Hansard archive content, it may contain typographical errors.

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he will publish in the Official Report a detailed list of the recently announced increase in fees of registry office marriages and birth, death and marriage search certificates; what percentage increases these will represent; and why these are being made in view of the fall in the inflationary spiral.

The following increases reflect rising costs since the last increase in October 1975. An element for future inflation in 1978–79 as indicated in the

CurrentAs in OrderPercentage increase
The overall cost of a marriage when attended by a registrar is:
Without licence when both parties live in the same district5·008·0060
Without licence when parties live in different districts7·0011·0057
By licence13·0020·0054
The cost of a certified copy after a search of indexes keep at General Register Office2·502·50
General search of indexes of register book kept by Superintendent Register6·008·0033⅓
A certified copy of entry issued at Register Office2·502·50
Certified copy at reduced fee for purposes of certain Acts of Parliament0·751·0033⅓