asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many prisoners of Blundeston Prison of African or Caribbean nationality who were involved with either the possession or trafficking or drugs, and who were under recommendation for deportation, during the period since 1st January 1976, have been considered for parole, or awarded parole, respectively; and what was the average length of parole granted for these offences.
As a result of a special inquiry it has been established that since 1st January 1976, 10 inmates of Blundeston prison born in African or Caribbean countries who were involved with either the possession or trafficking of drugs and who were recommended for deportation have been considered for parole. Of these, nine were granted parole, and the average duration of their licences was eight months.
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many Blundeston prisoners who arc other than African or Caribbean in origin who have been involved with either the possession or trafficking of drugs and who were under recommendation for deportation during the period since 1st January 1976 were considered for parole, or awarded parole, respectively; and what was the average length of parole granted;(2) what is the average length of parole granted to prisoners from Blundeston Prison at first review, during the period since 1st January 1976, who are of African and Caribbean origin, and of indigenous origin, respectively;(3) what percentage of prisoners granted parole at first review from Blundeston Prison, during the period since 1st January 1976, are of African or Caribbean origin, or indigenous origin, respectively.
Information about the nationality and ethnic origin of prisoners is not centrally recorded and I regret that it would not be possible, without disproportionate effort and expense, to correlate information about parole in individual cases with related information about place of birth.
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many prisoners serving sentences at Blundeston Prison for offences involving either the possession or trafficking of drugs, and who were under recommendation for deportation, during the period since 1st January 1976 are (a) nationals of African or Caribbean countries and (b) nationals of other countries;(2) what has been the average length of sentence given to prisoners who are nationals of African or Caribbean countries, at Blundeston Prison, for offences involving either the possession or trafficking of drugs, and under recommendaion for deportation, during the period since 1st January 1976;(3) what is the average length of sentence given to prisoners who are nationals of countries other than African or Caribbean countries at Blundeston Prison, for offences involving either the possession or trafficking of drugs, and who were under recommendation for deportation, during the period since 1st January 1976.
Since 1st January 1976, 67 persons recommended for deportation have served sentences in Blundeston Prison for drug offences. Information regarding their nationality is not recorded centrally. However, 16 of them were born in African or Caribbean countries and 51 in other overseas countries. The average sentence length of the former was 3 years 10 months and of the latter 4 years 2 months.