asked the Secretary of State for Energy what is the total amount of money spent in the last 10 years on nuclear fuels; and how much of that has been obtained from private sources.
I am advised that capital expenditure on fuel cycle services by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and British Nuclear Fuels Limited over the last 10 years to the end of the 1976 financial year amounts to approximately £110 million. Borrowing from the private sector to finance this investment amounted to £20 million drawn down by BNFL from the £100 million private sector loan of which I informed the House on 14th July 1976. The balance has been met from reserves accumulated by the UKAEA and BNFL;
School leavers registered as unemployed are shown in column 1 of the Table below; this does not, however, include those engaged on job creation and work experience schemes. Column 2 shows the number of vacancies held at careers offices; other vacancies may be held at jobcentres and employment offices, but no statistical breakdown of those suitable for school leavers is available. The figures in columns 3 and 4 shows the numbers of young people currently engaged in job creation and work experience schemes; not all of these, however, are school leavers.
additional equity of £15 million and £10 million from the National Loans Fund provided to BNFL.