asked the Chancellor of the Excheqeuer (1) how many copies of the Inland Revenue discussion paper on capital gains tax were distributed;(2) how many copies of the Inland Revenue discussion paper on capital gains tax were made available for distribution to the general public.
(3) to which professional bodies he instructed the Inland Revenue to send copies of their discussion paper on capital gains tax.
, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 7th December 1977; Vol. 940, c. 821], gave the following information:Eight thousand copies of the Board of Inland Revenue's consultative document "Capital Gains Tax: Tapering Relief" were printed, of which over 6,000 copies had been distributed by 7th December. Three thousand, seven hundred copies were distributed on the basis of the Inland Revenue's mailing list, which consists of professional bodies, practising solicitors and accountants and other organisations and individuals with an interest in taxation. Three hundred were sent to the Central Office of Information for distribution among the national and provincial press and television and radio stations. The rest have been distributed to individuals and organisations who have called at Somerset House or written in for copies.