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Young Offenders

Volume 941: debated on Wednesday 14 December 1977

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asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, for the calendar years 1974, 1975 and 1976 and to the nearest convenient date in 1977, how many young persons have been held in prisons under the authority of transfer directions made by him under the Northern Ireland (Young Persons) Act 1974.

The information is as follows:

*Up to 9th December.
Attempted murder2151
Possession of firearms or explosives854
Armed robbery11
Malicious damage and hijacking11
* Up to 9th December.

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many of the young persons in prisons under the authority of transfer directions made by him were subsequently found guilty of the offences for which they were charged; what sentences were imposed upon them; and if any charges were withdrawn and a lesser offence substituted.

36 persons have been found guilty and were sentenced as follows:

Detention under Section 73 of the Children and Young Persons Act (NI) 1968
During the pleasure of the Secretary of state9
For 15 years2
For 14 years1
For 12 years2
For 10 years1
For 8 years1
For 5 years3
For 3 years3
For 2 years1
Imprisonment (having attained 17 years before trial)
For 12 years1
For 7 years2
For 6 years1
For 5 years1
For 2 years (suspended for 3 years)1
Borstal Training4
*Training School Orders2
Probation (5 years)1
* In these two cases the original charge of attempted murder was withdrawn and the lesser offence of "possession of firearms with intent and taking a vehicle" were substituted.
Of the remaining 10 persons who have been the subject of transfer directions,

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for what offences the young persons held under transfer directions under the Northern Ireland (Young Persons) Act were charged for the years 1974, 1975 and 1976, and to the nearest convenient date in 1977.

The information is as follows:four have been acquitted and six have yet to come to trial. Two of the six have been granted bail—one of these absconded on 30th December 1974 and is still at large; two have attained the age of 17 years and have been remanded to prison by the courts to await trial; therefore, only two remain in prison under transfer directions.

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many young persons held in prisons in Northern Ireland under transfer directions made by him were in prison for periods of longer than six months before their case came before trial; why it was not possible to complete their cases within the six-month period; and whether he will give an undertaking that all young persons held under such circumstances will have their cases brought to trial within six months.

Fourteen young persons were held in prison under transfer directions for periods longer than six months:

  • 5 for 10 months 25 days
  • 1 for 8 months
  • 1 for 7 months 29 days
  • 1 for 7 months 25 days
  • 2 for 7 months 21 days
  • 1 for 7 months 4 days
  • 1 for 6 months 25 days
  • 1 for 6 months 16 days
  • 1 for 6 months 4 days
All these cases required intensive police investigation, and because of their complexity it proved impossible to complete the normal processes in shorter periods.

The position has not changed in regard to the third part of this Question since the answer which I gave to my hon. Friend on 29th April 1977. The direction of prosecutions is a matter for the Director of Public Prosecutions, acting under the Attorney-General, and, therefore, it is not possible for me to guarantee that cases of this kind will be completed within a six months' limit. Under arrangements made in 1974, my Department continues to maintain close liaison with the Director of Public Prosecutions to ensure that these cases are given priority.—[Vol. 930, c. 457.]

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what provisions are made for the education of young persons whilst they are held in prisons under transfer directions made by him; what various levels of instruction are given; and how many continue their education on transfer to other prisons on being found guilty.

The position has not changed since my previous answer to my hon. Friend on 26th October 1977—[Vol. 936, c. 674–5]. If my hon. Friend has any particular cases in mind, he might like to write to my noble Friend, the Minister of State.Young persons in respect of whom transfer directions have been made under the 1974 Act are accommodated in the Juvenile Remand Unit at Her Majesty's Prison, Belfast, or, in the case of females, at Her Majesty's Prison, Armagh. On arrival each young person is interviewed and assessed by the prison education officer, who draws up a programme of education based on the individual's needs and aspirations. Whole and part-time specialist teachers are available to provide for all levels of intellectual and academic abilities. After sentence, a full range of educational facilities is available to all inmates of prisons and borstals; full-time education is compulsory for all young persons under the statutory school leaving age.