asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will list in the Official Report the full-time occupation and part-time Government appointments held by each part-time member of ACAS.
No complete records are held in my Department, but the following information has been obtained:Professor H. A. Clegg—Professor of Industrial Relations, University of Warwick.Mr. H. G. de Ville—Director, British Insulated Callender's Cables.
Mr. L. F. Edmundson—Retired from full-time occupation:
- Member, Shipbuilding Industry Training Board.
- Member, Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing EDC.
- Member, Merchant Navy Training Board. Member, Royal Commission on Legal Services.
- Member, Special Programmes Area Board MSC.
- Member, Council on Tribunals.
Mr. H. L. Farrimond, CBE—Member, British Railways Board.
Professor L. C. Hunter—Professor of Applied Economics, University of Glasgow and the Scottish Business School:
- Chairman, Post Office Arbitration Tribunal.
- Chairman, Scottish Advisory Committee on Pilot Schemes of Vocational Preparation for Young People.
- Member, Royal Commission on Legal Services in Scotland.
- Arbitrator, ACAS.
Mr. J. L. Jones, CH, MBE—Retired from full-time occupation:
- Member, UK National Commission for UNESCO.
- Deputy Chairman, National Ports Council.
- Member, Iron and Steel Consumer Council.
- Member, Iron and Steel Advisory Committee.
- Member, National Economic Development Council.
- Member, Overseas Labour Consultative Committee.
- Member, EEC Economic and Social Committee.
- Member, British Overseas Trade Board.
- Member, Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society.
- Member, Board of the Crown Agents.
- Member, National Advisory Council on Employment of Disabled People.
- Member, Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure.
Sir George Smith, CBE—General Secretary, Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians:
- Member, Committee on Rights of Appeal for Aliens and Commonwealth Citizens.
- Member, Building Industry Economic Development Committee.
- Member, Commonwealth Development Corporation.
- Member, Overseas Labour Consultative Committee.
- Member, Construction Industrial Liaison Group.
- Member, Construction Industry Manpower Board.
Mr. T. A. Swinden, CBE—Consultant on Social Affairs, CBI:
- Member, Race Relations Employment Advisory Group.
- Member, Retail Prices Index Advisory Committee.
Professor D. E. C. Wedderburn—Professor of Industrial Sociology, Imperial College of Science and Technology:
- Member, Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy.
- Member, Royal Commission on the Distribution of Income and Wealth.
- Member, Social Science Research Council.