asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) if she will publish a table showing the number of teachers, irrespective of age, unemployed in each local education authority, expressed as a percentarge of the total available teaching force;(2) if she will publish a table in rank order showing teacher unemployment in nursery, primary and secondary education, respectively, by local authority area.
I regret this information is not available. I understand from my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Employment that it is at present practicable to supply unemployment figures only for employment office areas.
asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if she will publish a leaflet setting out in detail schemes and grants made available by the Government to enable qualified teachers to retrain.
Booklets are already available, both on the Government's scheme of special awards for those training or retraining to teach mathematics, the physical sciences or craft, design and technology—"Training and Retraining to Teach"—and on the normal local authority grant arrangements which apply to some qualified teachers taking one-year retraining courses to teach shortage subjects—"Grants to Students—a brief guide". Copies are available in the Library of the House. Retraining for occupations other than teaching is a matter for the Manpower Services Commission.
asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is (a) the total number of trained teachers, and the percentage unemployed and (b) the total number of those employed in educational administration and the percentage unemployed.
Information is not available in the exact form requested. However, the total number of full-time teachers, not all of whom will have undergone a course of initial training, in all schools and maintained and grant-aided establishments of further education in England and Wales was estimated at January 1978 at 589,000. On 9th March 1978 teachers registered as unemployed by the Department of Employment and seeking jobs as school teachers or teachers in establishments for further and higher education formed 1·6 per cent. of the above total. The number of full-time non-manual, non-teaching staff employed by local education authorities in England and Wales in December 1977 was 108,799. Figures are not available from the Department of Employment of the numbers unemployed in this category which includes non-administrative as well as clerical staff.