asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science whether her Department has a copy of the European Centre for Nuclear Research "Repertoire des Installations"; if her Department is satisfied this document does not involve wasteful expenditure part of which will have to be met by the United Kingdom taxpayer, and, in particular, if she regards the vehicle maintenance schedules on page 62 as reasonable and the calculations on pages 27, 28 and 29 as correct.
The "Repertoire des Installations" is an internal document of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research. I am aware of the circumstances which prompted the hon. Member to ask this Question and will write to him when certain inquiries have been completed.
asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science why documents needed by those submitting tenders for the European Centre for Nuclear Research maintenance contracts are only available in French; and if she is satisfied that tenders accepted are the best submitted.
All documents intended for external use, including tender documents, are available in the two official languages of the organisation—English and French. Documents intended for internal use, which may on occasion be consulted by tenderers, are normally available either in English or in French but not in both. The financial rules of the organisation provide for the acceptance of the lowest tender which satisfactorily meets the technical and delivery requirements and every effort is made by the organisation's finance committee to fulfil this provision.