asked the Secretary of State for Transport what was, for each of the last three years for which figures are available, the number of accidents that occurred on public highways involving agricultural machinery as a consequence of the existing construction and use regulations for such machinery being inadequate; and if he will make a statement.
This information is not available, but a recent limited study suggests that a significant number of accidents involving agricultural vehicles occur when the vehicle is turning right or braking. There are no indications that such accidents are due to shortcomings in the regulations, but it is possible that mandatory fitting of direction indicators and changes in braking requirements would help to prevent some of them.
asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he is satisfied with the provisions of the existing construction and use regulations as they apply to agricultural machinery that is used on public highways; whether he intends to introduce any changes; and it he will make a statement.
New braking regulations are being prepared and we are considering amendments to require the fitting of direction indicators and to rationalise the requirements governing the carriage or towing of farm implements. Otherwise the existing provisions appear to be generally adequate.