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Agricultural Land

Volume 950: debated on Thursday 18 May 1978

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asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what acreage of agricultural land including rough pasture is lost to other uses; and how the annual losses compare with those of 30 years ago.

Thousand acres (thousand hectares)
1969–70 to 1974–75*1946–47 to 1950–51
Urban, industrial and recreational development, including mineral workings34·6 (14·0)36·6 (14·8)
Defence and other government departments0·1 (0·1)†30·7 (12·4)†
Forestry Commission and private woodlands3·8 (1·6)13·3 (5·4)
Land not previously recorded and other adjustments23·4 (9·4)23·7 (9·6)†
Total‡61·6 (24·9)4·5 (1·8)†
The estimates are based on returns by farmers in the agriculture census at June each year, adjusted to discount changes in the coverage.
* Six year period.
† Transfer to agriculture.
‡ Totals may not agree due to rounding.


asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he is taking to preserve good land so that it is used for agriculture, and only sparingly used for urban development.

Where applications for non-agricultural development do not accord with development plans, local planning authorities are required by Article 15(1)(i) of the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1977 to refer to my Department all proposals which involve the development of 10 acres or more of agricultural land, or where the direct loss is less than 10 acres and further loss might follow that development.My Department's replies to such references are in accordance with Government policy for the protection of agricultural land. This is to ensure that, as far as possible, land of a higher agricultural quality is not taken for development where land of a lower quality is available and that the amount of land taken is no greater than is reasonably required for carrying out the development in accordance with proper standards. This applies equally to land acquisition under the Community Land Act.