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Oil Pollution (East Anglian Coast)

Volume 950: debated on Thursday 18 May 1978

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asked the Secretary of State for Trade to what extent the practice of using detergents to break up the continuing oil slicks, as now being used off the Norfolk coast, has damaged or may damage the sea bed and marine life; and whether he has made or will make, urgently, a thorough investigation into such matters.

Our objective in dealing with oil spillages is to protect our coasts and important concentrations of sea birds without damaging sea bed and marine life.The dispersants used to combat oil pollution have to be approved by the Mininstry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to ensure that they are unlikely to increase significantly damage to the marine biota beyond that resulting from the untreated oil.

Some oil from "Eleni V" has reached the sea bed and has fouled some trawling gear. However, this is not attributable to the use of dispersants.