asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is his policy on the use of the national parks for sports activities, particularly water ski-ing.
I informed the House on 12th January 1976 of the conclusions of my right hon. Friend and my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Wales on national park policies following the Sandford Report and they are recorded in Circular DOE 4/76.—[Vol. 903, c. 9–10.] Future policies for the recreational use of the national parks should be related to the particular qualities and capacities of different types of area—paragraph 49 of the circular. They did not dissent from the Sandford Committee's view that noisy pursuits should only exceptionally be provided for in the national parks, and agreed that the national park authorities should include suitable proposals in their national park plans. They pointed out that they could study the suitability of various measures in particular instances and that they had the power to make byelaws prohibiting or restricting traffic on lakes in the parks—paragraph 51 of the circular. It is for the national park authorities to proceed accordingly in consultation with appropriate bodies including the regional councils for sport and recreation.