asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what was the prisoner to warder ratio at Her Majesty's Prison, Sudbury, Derbyshire; and what was the average prisoner to warder ratio for open prisons in England and Wales at 31st December 1977.
There is no system of registration of addicts in the United Kingdom. There is, however, an obligation imposed on every doctor by the Misuse of Drugs (Notification of and Supply to Addicts) Regulations 1973 to notify to the Chief Medical Officer at the Home Office details of persons whom he considers, or has reasonable grounds to suspect, to be addicted to any one, or more, of 14 specified narcotic drugs. The official statistics derived from these notifications show 1,879 addicts in the United Kingdom known to the Home Office to be receiving narcotic drugs as at 31st December 1976.Reliable estimates of other addicts are not available.