asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he will list the firms in the North-West Region of England, excluding Merseyside, in which the National Enterprise Board has an investment.
The Board has investments in the North-West Region, excluding the Merseyside special development area, in the following companies:—
- British Leyland Ltd
- British Tanners Products Ltd
- Data Recording Instrument Co Ltd
- Fairey Engineering Holdings Ltd
- Ferranti Ltd
- Francis Shaw & Co Ltd
- Hird Brown Ltd
- ICL Ltd
- Twinlock Ltd.
asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he will list the firms on Merseyside in which the National Enterprise Board has an investment.
The Board has investments in the Merseyside special development area in British Leyland Ltd. and in Hemmings Plastics Ltd.I am sure that the NEB's regional board for the North-West would welcome, and consider seriously, any further proposals from companies in the area for investment by the Board.
asked the Secretary of State for Industry how many applications from firms in the North-West of England, excluding Merseyside, asking the National Enterprise Board to participate in the company's activities have been rejected by the National Enterprise Board.
This is a matter for the Board.
asked the Secretary of State for Industry how many applications from firms in Merseyside asking the National Enterprise Board to participate in the company's activities have been rejected by the National Enterprise Board.
This is a matter for the Board.