asked the Secretary of State for Trade (1) if the EEC Commission has negotiated a new provisional agreement with Portugal on global ceilings for cotton yarn and synthetic cloth; and, if so, if he will give full details of the agreement;(2) if he will take steps to oppose the provisional agreement between the EEC Commission and Portugal to increase the global ceilings for certain textile imports;(3) if the new provisional agreement with Portugal on textile imports is within the global ceilings given in his undertakings to the textile industry;(4) if the EEC Commission has negotiated a new provisional agreement with Portugal concerning all textile imports; and, if so, whether he will give full details of the agreement.
Following discussions with Portugal, the EEC Commission has submitted to the EEC Council proposals for an agreement with Portugal which would involve a number of increases in the quotas, including the global ceilings, agreed by the Council of Foreign Ministers on 20th December 1977. For the United Kingdom there would be increases in the quotas for cotton yarn, synthetic cloth, cordage and some clothing items. There would be decreases in the quotas for cotton cloth and jerseys. We and other member States are now considering these proposals and I expect the matter to be discussed at the next EEC Council of Ministers.