asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what proposals he has to ensure that the public utility services of the Ministry of Defence houses at Park Hall, Oswestry, have been fully restored prior to the houses being offered for public purchase; what is the estimated cost of such restoration; and if he will make a statement.
Restoration of public utility services to the surplus MOD houses at Park Hall, Oswestry is not required as all the houses are currently connected to electricity, gas, water and sewage mains.The gas and electricity services do not need modification. Some water mains and service pipes require replacing before the houses can be offered for sale individually. It is possible that some work will be required to bring the sewage mains to the adoption standards of the Severn Trent Water Authority. The roads, verges etc. and street lighting need improving to bring them to the highway authority's adoption standards.The PSA plans to arrange for all the necessary work to be done at an estimated cost of £75,000.