asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what was the outcome of his recent visit to China.
I visited the People's Republic of China from 21st May to 29th May. I was very satisfied with the results of the visit and am certain that our political and trading links with China will continue to improve. I had the opportunity of extensive talks with Vice-Premier Keng Piao and Minister of Public Health Dr. Chiang Yi-Chen. I was also able to visit hospitals and other health facilities and to learn something of China's plans for future health services.My discussions took place in an atmosphere of great warmth and friendliness and China's desire to co-operate with the United Kingdom in respect of advanced technology was made very clear.In the health field, I made several proposals designed to increase co-operation between China and the United Kingdom. I shall be discussing these further with Vice-Minister of Public Health Chien Hsin-Chung when he visits this country from 13th to 26th June. This co-operation will, I hope, take the form of more reciprocal visits by doctors, academics and technical representatives. The Chinese are particularly interested in research knowledge and high technology equipment in the fields of non-invasive diagnosis, biomedical engineering, molecular biology and immunology.I also hope that relations between our two countries will be strengthened by a visit from Minister Chiang in the early part of next year.