asked the Secretary of State for Energy what was the date of completion of the wave simulation tank at the University of Edinburgh financed by his Department; why there has been a delay in the funding of the power generation research models for which the tank was built to test; and when the tests of these models will start and be completed.
The new wave simulation tank at Edinburgh University was completed in January 1978.The university team made a first-class effort in completing the tank well ahead of the expected date, and its performance has fulfilled its promise in every respect. As a result, progress has to some extent outstripped the funding machinery, but this will not result in any serious delay to the programme.One of the most difficult problems associated with the duck is the design of the spine on which a number of them will be assembled in a practical generator and tests on bare spines began in February. It is expected that tests on the complete model of the duck generator will commence next Spring and will continue as long as useful results are being obtained.The tank was built for the use of both Edinburgh University and the National Engineering Laboratory and the latter have been using it for a programme of test on their oscillating water column device, as planned.