asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what percentage increase in pay the Forestry Commission has offered workers who live in tied house accommodation.
It is expected that a pay claim will be received shortly and negotiations will follow soon thereafter. There is no difference in the rates of pay of workers who occupy Forestry Commission houses and the remainder.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the total amount of rent and rates payments per week charged by the Forestry Commission to foresters and other supervisors who live in tied house accommodation; and how these payments compare with charges made to other employees in similar tied house circumstances.
Under agreements with the respective unions the rents of houses occupied by foresters and forest workers are calculated differently. Foresters are charged the average of the rent in respect of all houses occupied by them in Great Britain. Forester worker tenants are charged the rent of the particular property occupied. The current average rent charged to a forrester is £4 a week which will be subject to review in 1979. Rates are also averaged and are at present approximately £2·70 a week.
It is not normal commission policy to let houses to other non-industrial supervisors.
Under the first phase of a recent rent review forest workers in Scotland will, from this month, be charged rents averaging approximately £3·10 a week. A figure for rates is not known as these are paid direct to the local authority.