asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many copies of his Department's Bulletin No. 214, "An ABC of Home Freezing", have been published; how many have been distributed; and, of these, how many were distributed free; over what time span; and what has been the cost of publication and the receipts to date.
A total of 7,500 copies of Bulletin No. 214, "An ABC of Home Freezing", were printed. Of these 5,619 have been distributed to booksellers and HMSO bookshops since the publication date of 8th May 1978. In addition, 200 copies were distributed for official use within the Ministry, 35 distributed to the press and broadcasting services for review purposes, and a further 236 to organizations and individuals entitled to free copies. The cost of printing and publishing was £5,050 and receipts to date total £9,833.