asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many jobs have been created by temporary employment schemes in the greater Bristol area over the last three years.
I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that over the past three years opportunities have been provided in the Bristol area under the job creation programme— JCP— community industry—CI— and the special temporary employment programme— STEP.One thousand and ninety-one jobs have been provided under JCP, between October 1975 when JCP began and end July 1978, in the local authority district of Bristol. It is not possible to obtain a separate figure for the greater Bristol area.A community industry unit was set up in Avon in July 1976. To date, 156 jobs for 16 to 18 year olds have been created in Avon. The majority of these were in the Bristol area, though again it is not possible to identify a separate figure for that area alone.Ninety-two jobs for those aged 19 and over have been created on STEP in the greater Bristol area between 1st April 1978, when the programme began, and 21st November.