asked the Secretary of State for Social Services for how long United Kingdom nationals who have retired to live in other member States of the EEC have received pension upratings on the same basis as British pensioners living in Great Britain; under what arrangements, bilateral or EEC, these up- ratings are paid; in which other countries United Kingdom nationals in receipt of United Kingdom pensions also may receive United Kingdom upratings; and what negotiations are in train, and with which countries, which may result in similar arrangements regarding upratings applying where at this moment they do not.
United Kingdom pensioners living in other member States of the EEC have for many years received pension upratings as if they were living in the United Kingdom, either under bilateral agreements or, since 1973, the EEC social security regulations.United Kingdom pensioners living in Austria, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Israel, Jersey, Malta, Sark, Spain, Turkey and Yugoslavia receive their pensions at the rates current in the United Kingdom. Those living in Bermuda, Jamaica and the United States of America receive upratings given since reciprocal agreements were made with those countries.Under an agreement made with Portugal, which will come into operation next year, United Kingdom pensioners living in Portugal will receive future upratings.Reciprocal agreements on social security covering pension upratings are under discussion with Barbados, Canada, Finland, Norway and Sweden.