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Disabled Persons

Volume 962: debated on Friday 16 February 1979

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asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many employers with over 20 employees are employing their quota of 3 per cent. registered disabled people; what proportion of the total number of these employers this represents; and how many of those who are not fulfilling this quota have permits from his Department.

I am advised by the Manpower Services Commission that on 1 June 1978, the latest date for which information is available, 17,744, or 36·8 per cent., of employers with 20 or more workers were employing their quota of 3 per cent. registered disabled people. A further 21,785, or 45·2 per cent., were not employing their 3 per cent. quota, but had been issued with permits by the commission's disablement resettlement officers.

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many registered disabled people are unemployed; and what percentage they contribute of the total number of registered disabled people compared with the percentage of all unemployed workers.

I am advised by the Manpower Services Commission that on 11 January 1979, the latest date for which information is available, 65,702 registered disabled people were unemployed. This represents 13·3 per cent. of the total number of registered disabled people which was last obtained in April 1978, and 4·7 per cent. of all workers unemployed on 11 January 1979.