asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list the index figure for the gross domestic product at factor cost for every quarter since 1970, based on an index of (a) 1970=100 and (b) 1975 =100.
pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 9 February 1979; Vol. 962, c. 326], gave the following information:Estimates of gross domestic product at constant prices are now based on 1975 and earlier estimates based on 1970, the previous base-year, have not been updated. Quarterly index numbers of the expenditure, income and output measures of the gross domestic product at factor cost for the period 1970 to 1973, based on 1975=100 and seasonally adjusted, are given on page 7 of the
Economic Trends annual supplement, 1979 edition. The latest corresponding estimates for the period from 1974 to Q3 1978 are given on page 6 of the January 1979 issue of Economic Trends.