asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he has received the report of the policy review of the role of his Department's Agricultural Development and Advisory Service announced on 28 May 1978; and if he will make a statement.
My right hon. Friends and I have received and considered the report of the inter-Departmental group of officials which is published today. Copies are available in the Library of the House.The report takes stock of the ways in which ADAS helps the farming industry to increase its efficiency and productivity, and considers how the service should meet changing demands from the industry. I have been glad to note the strong support for the current work of ADAS expressed by the many organisations that submitted evidence. There is clearly no need for radical change in present policies and priorities, but the report recommends some changes of emphasis within the present pattern of functions. The Government intend that ADAS policies should develop, as circumstances allow, along the lines recommended in the report.