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Woollen Fabric Manufacturers, Prato (Pricing Policies)

Volume 972: debated on Friday 2 November 1979

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asked the Secretary of State for Industry if his Department has completed its consideration of whether or not the EEC Commission should be asked to examine some of the pricing policies of woollen fabric manufacturers in Prato, as referred to in a letter dated 31 August 1978 from the then Secretary of State for Industry to the hon. Member for Batley and Morley; and if he will make a statement.

After consideration of the information provided by representatives of the wool textile industry a formal request was made in February to the Commission of the European Communities to examine the pricing policies of wool textile manufacturers in the Prato district of Italy in the context of article 92 of the Rome Treaty. The examination by the Commission is still taking place. Officials of the Commission intend to visit West Yorkshire as part of this examination. Like the industry, I wish to see this examination completed and I shall be looking for a definitive response from the Commission as quickly as possible.