asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) if he will list the numbers of firms (a) fulfilling their quota, (b) partially fulfilling their quota and (c) exempted from fulfilling their quota obligations in respect of registered disabled people; and if he will present these data for each of the past 10 years;(2) if he will list the numbers of unemployed registered disabled people for each year since 1948, presenting the data also as a percentage of all unemployed people;
(3) if he will list ( a) the numbers of unemployed registered disabled people and ( b) the numbers of registered disabled in work for each year since 1948; and it he will express ( a) as a percentage of ( b):
(4) if he will list the number of local authorities which employ their quota of 3 per cent. registered disabled workers and the number which fail to do so, classifying the data according to whether the authority is ( a) county council, ( b) district council, ( c) Greater London area council, ( d) Scottish district council, ( e) Scottish regional council and ( f) Scottish island council;
(5) if he will list the number of Government Departments employing 3 per cent. of registered disabled employees.
I shall reply to the hon. Member as soon as possible.