asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many staff in his Department are engaged, whether full-time or part-time, in assessing or collecting betterment levy under part 3 of the Land Commission Act 1967; and what is their annual administrative cost to public funds, including provision for salaries, pensions and administrative costs.
Five officers are engaged full time in the assessment and collection of betterment levy. Separate detailed costings are not maintained but it is estimated that with supervision and support their full administrative costs are at the annual rate of £70,000.
asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the total number of transactions subject to betterment levy under the Land Commission Act 1967 currently under consideration by his Department; and in how many such cases (a) the assessment is determined, but still unpaid, (b) the assessment is in dispute but still under negotiation, (c) the assessment is the subject of proceedings before the Lands Tribunal or other legal body and (d) a legal decision has been made, but the tax not yet paid.
As at May 1979 there were 660 transactions subject to betterment levy under consideration. Of these
asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the amount of betterment levy and interest received by his Department in 1978–79; and what were the assessed costs of collection.
Levy and interest thereon received in 1978–79 amounted to £190,834. The cost of collecting this amount was met within overall costs of dealing with betterment levy now estimated at £76,700.