asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will make a statement cerning the appointment or re-appointment of the posts of chairmen, vice-chairmen and retiring members of the Welsh Development Agency.
I announced earlier this week the appointment as from 1 January 1980 of Mr. Stephen Gray as chairman, Mr. Douglas Badham as deputy chairman, and Mr. Hugh Rees and Mr. Donald Walters as members of the Welsh Development Agency. I hope to announce in due course one further appointment to membership of the Agency.The retiring members are Sir David Davies (Chairman), Mr. T. S. Roberts (Deputy Chairman), Mr. J. Kegie and Mr. G. Metcalf all of whom were initially appointed for three years from 1 January 1976 and were re-appointed for a further year from 1 January 1979. I am very grateful to these gentlemen for the services which they have rendered.