asked the Secretary of State for Employment what steps his Department is taking to encourage more men and women to take up training courses to become technicians and technical engineers; and if he will make a statement.
I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that in April 1977 the Training Services Agency —from April 1978 the training services division of the Manpower Services Commission—published a strategy for dealing with technician training. This strategy consisted of five objectives which then formed the basis for the agency's approach to technican training. The strategy relates to both qualitative and quantitative improvements in the supply of technician training opportunities. A wide range of operating activities are related to the strategy and these are periodically reviewed.Paying particular regard to labour market requirements, the training opportunities scheme has identified technician training as one of its priority areas. The number of technicians trained annually through the scheme was 3,238 in 1977 and is running towards a planned figure of approximately 6,800 by mid-1981. In pursuing the strategic objectives, the Manpower Services Commission also continues to work closely with other bodies which have a major direct involvement in technician training and education. Of particular interest are its links with the industrial training boards, and the technician and business education councils and their Scottish counterparts.