asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what grants were made available to local authorities and other bodies for community relations work during 1979–80.
Grants are paid under section 11 of the Local Government Act 1966 to local authorities to meet 75 per cent. of their eligible expenditure on staff specially employed by them to deal with the work attributable to differences in language or customs among Commonwealth immigrants. Details of grants expected to be advanced in 1979–80 in respect of this expenditure were given in my reply of 28 November to a question by the hon. Member for Lambeth, Central (Mr. Tilley).—[Voy. 974, 663–5.]The Commission for Racial Equality is financed by a grant-in-aid from the Home Office. Expenditure in 1979–80 is expected to be £6·08 million. This includes provision for grants made by the Commission to community relations councils and other organisations under section 44 of the Race Relations Act 1976.