asked the Secretary of State for Employment what will be the reduction in the number of places on the youth opportunities programme and the special temporary employment programme as a result of the reduction in the Manpower Services Commission budget.
[pursuant to his reply, 3 December 1979, c. 24–25]: I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that following the reduction in its budget for the present financial year there will be no reduction in the youth opportunities programmes. The original objective of 210,000 entrants has been preserved. Savings are being made through a shift towards the less expensive forms of provision and other operating economies.The special temporary employment programme is being concentrated in areas of greatest need and on the long-term unemployed. It will aim to provide 12,000 to 14,000 filled places in those areas compared with the previous intention of providing30,000 to 35,000 filled places in Great Britain as a whole.