asked the Minister of Transport if he will draw to the attention of British Railways the fire and suffocation dangers associated with the use of polyurethane foam in furniture; and if, in the interests of passenger safety, he will take steps to require British Railways to replace seats containing polyurethane foam in passenger carriages.
:After the sleeping-car fire at Taunton, there was a thorough review of fire precautions applied to trains and, although it was not the cause of the fire, polyurethane foam has been removed from existing and future designs of sleeping cars.The current specification for seating materials in passenger coaches was produced after tests in 1973 and it is applied to new coaches and during refurbishing. The smallest quantities of foam consistent with comfort are used. The board considers that the combination of materials provides a better level of safety than those used in much modern furniture but is nevertheless continuing research on materials.The safe operation of British Railways is the responsibility of the Railways Board and I have no powers to require the management to do as the right hon. Member suggests, but I am satisfied that the board is well aware of the possible dangers and has taken all necessary action.