asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what instructions are given to doctors regarding treatment of persons who they suspect may be
Yes. The amounts of family income supplement given in the answer to my hon. Friend on 7 November—[Vol. 973, c. 213–20.]—were those which took effect on 13 November and which included an increase to provide help with fuel bills, as I explained to the House on 31 October.—[Vol. 972, c. 1392–95.]I am sorry that entitlement to free welfare foods was overlooked in one of the lines in table 6 of my reply of 7 November. The entry should now read:ineligible for National Health Service treatment.
It is for health authorities to ensure that medical staff are aware of the principles governing eligibility to use the service and to agree with them procedures for checking eligibility, if in any doubt, in association with administrative staff.