asked the Secretary of State for Social Services when the changes in the terms of prescription of Leptospirosis (prescribed disease No. 21) recommended by the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council are to be implemented.
My right hon. Friend recently laid before the House regulations which give full effect to the council's recommendations. The terms of prescription will now include workers who come into contact with bovine animals or pigs or the meat products of either and those who are employed in occupations involving work in places infested or liable to be infested by rats, field mice or voles; and work at dog kennels or the care or handling of dogs. In addition, the prescription will include infection by leptospira of all kinds instead of, as previously, two specified strains of the organism.The new provisions, which come into operation on 7 January 1980, will make industrial injuries benefits available to a few workers who have previously fallen outside the scope of the prescription.