asked the Secretary of State for Trade what is his estimate of the additional costs demanded this year of airlines using United Kingdom airports as a result of increases in (a) Eurocontrol charges, (b) landing charges; (c) security levy rate, and (d) terminal navigation service charges, respectively; and what is the percentage increase in each case.
Charges for en route navigation services are not made for the use of airports. The unit rate for the United Kingdom is being increased by 21 per cent from 1 April 1980.Landing charges are determined by the several aerodrome owners throughout the country. Taking account of the forecast growth in traffic the BAA expects a revenue £41 millions higher in 1980–81 than in the current year, an increase of 53 per cent.The security levy, is expected to raise £17,800,000 more in 1980–81 than in 1979–80, assuming no change in the number of passengers, an increase of 69 per cent.Aerodrome navigation service charges are separately levied at nine aerodromes; the income expected in 1980–81 is £4·749 million more than that expected in the current year, an increase of 19·7 per cent.