asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will tabulate for each of the last 20 years, and for each of the years to 1984, the cost of the education service at constant prices (a) per head in full-time education overall, (b) per head in higher education, (c) per head in secondary education and (d) per head in primary education, having excluded the cost of school meal and transport provisions.
This information cannot be provided except at disproportionate cost. However, a constant price time series (1967–68 and 1972–73 to 1977–78) of net institutional recurrent costs in the various sectors of education is contained in table 12 of volume 5 of Statistics of Education 1977, copies of which are available in the Library. The 1978 edition, giving similar data for 1978–79, will be published later in the year. Forecast data are not available.