asked the Lord Privy Seal what is the present position regarding the pledge programme and the likelihood of world food programme canned mackerel contracts over the next six months and beyond; and if he will undertake not to reduce the pledge programme in the current financial year.
Mr. Neil Marten : The United Kingdom pledge to the world food programme for the 1979–80 biennium is £8 million, of which two-thirds is in commodities which are canned fish, dried skimmed milk and dried egg. The world food programme draws upon our commodity pledge throughout the period of the biennium in the light of the food requirements of its Mr. Brittan : The available information is given in the following table; figures for 1979 are not yet available.
various projects in developing countries. In the year ending 31 March 1980 the programme placed orders for 1,307 tonnes of canned mackerel. The programme has not yet indicated its likely requirements for canned fish during the coming year. The United Kingdom pledge for the current biennium will not be reduced.