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Product Liability

Volume 984: debated on Monday 12 May 1980

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asked the Secretary of State for Trade what is the Government's policy on the issue of product liability and the status of the European Economic Community draft directive 9427/79.

As I told my hon. Friend the Member for Basildon (Mr. Proctor) on 29 April—[Vol. 983, c. 413]—the Government will take account of the views of the interested parties whom they consulted last year before deciding their attitude to the draft directive. Meanwhile, a council working party has commenced its examination of the draft.

asked the Secretary of State for Trade whether he is satisfied with the definition of "defective" in A.4 of the draft directive on product liability 9427/79; and what submissions have been made by the Government.

My Department is now considering the views of the interested parties whom it consulted last year about the draft directive. The Government will, of course, take account of these views before deciding their attitude to the draft.

1977197819791980 (to 2 May)
New registrations55,21463,56666,47226,037
Receiverships notified1,276983853514
Liquidations notified9,9749,1628,7514,518
Companies wound-up (compulsory, voluntary or by order of Court)8.9598,4077,4723,125

asked the Secretary of State for Trade how many companies in Scotland have gone bankrupt since May 1979; and how many people lost their jobs as a result.

In the 12 months May 1979 to April 1980 there were 267 company liquidations—compulsory plus creditors' voluntary liquidations—in Scotland. I regret that information on jobs lost as a result is not available.