asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he proposes to hold discussions with the Staffordshire area health authority and representatives of the South-East Stafford-shire district before making a decision whether to provide additional facilities at Good Hope hospital, Sutton Coldfield, in the sum of £13 million to cater specifically for acute services in the Lichfield and Tamworth area.
A long-standing proposal for the development of facilities at the Good Hope hospital has been included in the West Midlands regional health authority's current strategy, but I understand that Staffordshire area health authority is not happy with what is proposed. I have also received representations on this issue from the South-East Staffordshire health district.No decisions will be reached without account being taken of the views of those mainly concerned, and I have written to the chairman of the West Midlands regional health authority saying I would be willing to discuss with him and the area health authority chairmen any hospital projects in the region that present particular difficulty. I am hoping to arrrange a visit to the area to look at the Good Hope proposals fairly soon.