asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what was the total number of people admitted from abroad into the United Kingdom for (a) permanent residence and (b) on a temporary basis during 1979; and what proportion came from the New Commonwealth and the Indian Subcontinent.
The numbers accepted for settlement on arrival in the United Kingdom and the numbers admitted for a limited period are published annually by nationality/citizenship in the Command Paper " Control of Immigration: Statistics, United Kingdom "—tables 1 (a) and 1(b) of the issue for 1979, Cmnd. 7875 published on 18 April 1980. Of those accepted for settlement on arrival in 1979, 65 per cent. were citizens of New Commonwealth countries and Pakistan and 45 per cent. were citizens of countries of the Indian Sub-continent. For those admitted for a limited period the corresponding percentages were respectively 7 per cent. and 2 per cent.