asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will make a statement on youth training.
My right hon. Friend announced the Government's plans last December and published the details in the White Paper "A New Training Initiative: A Programme for Action" (Cmnd. 8455). As I said in my reply to a question from my hon. Friend the Member for Peterborough (Dr. Mawhinney) on 2 February—[Vol. 17, c. 96–97.]—the response has generally been welcoming and positive.
asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will provide a detailed breakdown of the total funds to be made available for the youth training scheme to show how they are to be apportioned.
In the first full year of its operation, 1984–85, the youth training scheme will cost over £1 billion. Of this amount, and assuming the level of allowance given in the White Paper, I should expect around 60 per cent. to be spent on training, about 30 per cent. on the allowance paid to trainees, and at most 10 per cent. on the cost to the MSC of running the scheme.